Easily find out why your newborn baby is crying
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Baby Gadgets, News, Others | Posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One of the first true tests for new parents is finding out why their newborn is crying - which can be quite difficult. Finding out if a baby is sleepy, stressed, bored or hungry can be a daunting task for some, but with the 'Why Cry Baby Analyzer', these problems might be a thing of the past.
This portable, alarm-clock-looking device features an advanced frequency analyzing technology that only needs 20 seconds to know why your child is crying.
Once the gadget analyzes the cries and screams of the baby, a representation of the baby's mood is displayed on its screen.

This innovative device has been clinically tested, tried out in nurseries, and has been proven to be 98% reliable.
The Why Cry Baby Analyzer also comes with a symptoms chart which provides you with information on how you can help the baby stop crying.
Product Page: ThinkGeek, Why Cry
Can I use this to check out why my big sister cry?
How much does it cost? Is it available here?
This costs US$89.99, and is available online at http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/newborn-infant/bea5/
Heard about it on dj tini's morning show on kristal. It isnt perfect.. cannot not detect everything.