Who would've thought that the bookmark could be re-invented?
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Bookmarks, News, Others | Posted on Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Regular bookmarks come in different types of designs, but they all are more or less just pieces of card or types of fabric that are thin enough to place in books. Product designers Propaganda have re-invented the bookmark to make it not only look elegant, but even manages to make it more useful.
The "Bookmark II" is a simple rubber band with an arrow on one side, and a tab on the other. Once you've wrapped the band around the appropriate page, all you'll need to do is point the arrow to the line you last read.
The next time you want to read the book, simply pull the tab and you'll be taken to the specific line you last read.
Simple, yet highly useful!
Article: OhGizmo!
Product Website: Propaganda
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