Belt out your favourite tunes on this cool guitar shirt from ThinkGeek
Posted by Simpur | Posted in News, Others, T-Shirts | Posted on Thursday, October 29, 2009

The guys at ThinkGeek have done it again, turning a normal T-Shirt into a rockin', fully playable guitar, complete with its own mini amplifier.
Using a special magnetic pick and your fingers, you can actually strum and play the guitar that's printed on the shirt.

The miniature amp that's included clips to your belt lets you adjust the sound, just like you would for a normal guitar.
The Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt is a bargain at just US$29.99, and is available online on the ThinkGeek website.
Product Page: ThinkGeek
wth!! is that real????
i wouldve bought it if the shirt can play the same as a real guitar does..this one can only play a handful of notes.Cool shirt though!