Awesome 18-meter tall Gundam statue in Tokyo (updated with video)
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Gundam, News, Others, Robots, Statues | Posted on Monday, June 15, 2009
The Japanese have just concluded the assembly of an amazing 18-meter tall, 35-ton full scale Gundam statue in Odaiba, Tokyo. The enormous figure not only just stands there, but also entertains onlookers by moving its head and shooting light mist from 50 points on its body.

The statue, built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Mobile Suit Gundam series, features an incredibly attention-to-detail body that comes to life after sunset.

Unfortunately, the figure will only be up for two months.
Gundam statue comes to life
A detailed look at the statue
Articles: Pink Tentacle, Gizmodo

The statue, built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Mobile Suit Gundam series, features an incredibly attention-to-detail body that comes to life after sunset.

Unfortunately, the figure will only be up for two months.
A detailed look at the statue
Articles: Pink Tentacle, Gizmodo
GREAT !....
Ciao from Italy