The world's first commercial 'Spaceport' begins construction tomorrow
Posted by Simpur | Posted in News, Others, Space Flight, Spaceports, Virgin Galactic | Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2009
New Mexico's forgotten stretch of cattle ranches and mountain ranges will become a gateway to space soon, with the start of construction of the world's first commercial spaceport tomorrow.

Spaceport America, a US$200 million project, will host commercial operations by private space travel companies, like Virgin Galactic.

Some 250 people are already lining up to pay around US$200,000 each to take a trip into space in as early as next year, and they will take off from this magnificently designed spaceport.
Spaceport America will feature a 10,000-foot runway where spacecrafts will take flight, attached to an airplane, then break free and rocket 62 miles into space. The expensive flights will last for around 2 hours, all of which would include 5 minutes of weightlessness.

The spaceport's runway will be complete by the middle of 2010, while its terminal and hangar should be ready by December 2010.
Articles: Yahoo! News, Gizmodo
Websites: Spaceport America, Virgin Galactic

Spaceport America, a US$200 million project, will host commercial operations by private space travel companies, like Virgin Galactic.

Some 250 people are already lining up to pay around US$200,000 each to take a trip into space in as early as next year, and they will take off from this magnificently designed spaceport.
Spaceport America will feature a 10,000-foot runway where spacecrafts will take flight, attached to an airplane, then break free and rocket 62 miles into space. The expensive flights will last for around 2 hours, all of which would include 5 minutes of weightlessness.

The spaceport's runway will be complete by the middle of 2010, while its terminal and hangar should be ready by December 2010.
Articles: Yahoo! News, Gizmodo
Websites: Spaceport America, Virgin Galactic
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