The literally one horsepower, ultra-green, eco-friendly car
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Animals, Automobiles, News, Others, Vehicles | Posted on Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The world has seen a good increase in eco-friendly cars like the Toyota Prius in recent years, but nothing beats the Naturmobil - brainchild of Iranian engineer Hadi Mirhejazi - which is literally powered by a horse.
When the horse, that's tethered to a treadmill, trots, it recharges the battery, which in turn powers the car.

Mirjehazi spent more than two years building the 28 mph Naturmobil, but admits that he had to experiment with many types of technology to make the horse comfortable - the horse now sits under a jacket of cold water.

Articles: The Guardian, Inhabitat, OhGizmo!
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