The geekiest cap ever
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Caps, News, Others, T-Shirts, Wi-Fi | Posted on Friday, July 17, 2009
This cap is not just an ordinary cap - it's a Wi-Fi cap. Yes you heard right, a Wi-Fi cap.

It features a built-in, functioning Wi-Fi detector that lets you know if the area you're in is an Internet hotspot, and even displays the signal strength through its glowing bars.
It somehow compliments the Wi-Fi Detector Shirt that's also available. Sad but true.

Articles: Random Good Stuff, DVICE
Product Page: ThinkGeek

It features a built-in, functioning Wi-Fi detector that lets you know if the area you're in is an Internet hotspot, and even displays the signal strength through its glowing bars.
It somehow compliments the Wi-Fi Detector Shirt that's also available. Sad but true.

Articles: Random Good Stuff, DVICE
Product Page: ThinkGeek
Any chance SIMPUR would be selling any of these thing?
Love to have one.... hehehehe...