The scary, yet effective billboard that 'bleeds'
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Billboards, News, Others | Posted on Tuesday, July 07, 2009
The highest death tolls on New Zealand roads are usually seen during the after-summer heavy rains. To remind drivers to drive safely and carefully during the wet season, the local government in Papakura has put out rather disturbing billboards that 'bleed' when it rains.

The new ad campaign takes a new approach that they hope will creep out reckless drivers.
On a normal dry day, the billboard shows an image of a young boy, but once the billboard gets wet due to rain, blood can be seen trickling down the face of the child.
The ad is pretty terrifying, but it's proven to be effective too - there hasn't been a fatality since.
Articles: Neatorama, BuzzFeed, Gizmodo

The new ad campaign takes a new approach that they hope will creep out reckless drivers.
On a normal dry day, the billboard shows an image of a young boy, but once the billboard gets wet due to rain, blood can be seen trickling down the face of the child.
The ad is pretty terrifying, but it's proven to be effective too - there hasn't been a fatality since.
Articles: Neatorama, BuzzFeed, Gizmodo
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