Take the effort out of playing with your cat
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Lasers, News, Others, Pet Gadgets | Posted on Thursday, July 02, 2009
If you have a cat at home, you'll probably know by now that they love playing around with little moving stuff, like balls of yarn and laser pointers. If you're too lazy to play with your cat, then Frolicat's "Bolt" will help you entertain your cat without you having to put any effort into it.

This simple, yet somewhat useful device is a laser pointer that basically just moves around on its own.
Simply set it up on a table, have it move the laser in a random pattern, and watch your cat pounce, chase, & bat at the 'exciting' laser patterns.
The Frolicat Bolt is is available online for just US$19.95.
Demo of the Frolicat Bolt
Articles: Coolest Gadgets, OhGizmo!
Product Page: Frolicat Bolt

This simple, yet somewhat useful device is a laser pointer that basically just moves around on its own.
Simply set it up on a table, have it move the laser in a random pattern, and watch your cat pounce, chase, & bat at the 'exciting' laser patterns.
The Frolicat Bolt is is available online for just US$19.95.
Articles: Coolest Gadgets, OhGizmo!
Product Page: Frolicat Bolt
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