Robotic caddy that automatically follows you around the golf course
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Golf Caddy, News, Others | Posted on Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Carrying your clubs and balls around the golf course can be tiring, and hiring a personal caddy could be quite costly - wouldn't it be great if you could rent something that can do the job at a small fee?

The Shadow Caddy is a robotic caddy that will faithfully follow you around the course, carrying your clubs, balls and even beverages too.
This completely new type of golfing product is hands free, meaning that you won't have to deal with joysticks or remote controls. All you'll need to do is clip a small wireless transmitter to your belt and it'll automatically follow you.

The Shadow Caddy also features a sophisticated object detection system which will prevent it from colliding with people or running into sand traps and water hazards.
This winner of the 2008 People's Choice Award for Australia's Next Big Thing is available for golf clubs to purchase, and intended to be hired out to golfers for a small fee per round.
The Shadow Caddy in action
Articles: GEARFUSE, OhGizmo!
Product Page: Shadow Caddy

The Shadow Caddy is a robotic caddy that will faithfully follow you around the course, carrying your clubs, balls and even beverages too.
This completely new type of golfing product is hands free, meaning that you won't have to deal with joysticks or remote controls. All you'll need to do is clip a small wireless transmitter to your belt and it'll automatically follow you.

The Shadow Caddy also features a sophisticated object detection system which will prevent it from colliding with people or running into sand traps and water hazards.
This winner of the 2008 People's Choice Award for Australia's Next Big Thing is available for golf clubs to purchase, and intended to be hired out to golfers for a small fee per round.
Articles: GEARFUSE, OhGizmo!
Product Page: Shadow Caddy
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