Designer develops mud-powered lamp
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Concepts, Lamps, News, Others | Posted on Monday, March 16, 2009
Dutch designer Marieke Staps has invented a lamp that runs on mud. Yes, mud.

The environmentally friendly 'Soil Lamp' makes use of the chemical reaction between copper, zinc, and slightly moistened mud to produce enough electricity to keep an LED lamp burning.
In order to keep the lamp running, it will only need a splash of water every now and then.

This innovative invention and technique offers a wealth of possibilities for producing 'eco-friendly' electricity in the future.
Article: CrunchGear, DVICE
Product Page: Marieke Staps

The environmentally friendly 'Soil Lamp' makes use of the chemical reaction between copper, zinc, and slightly moistened mud to produce enough electricity to keep an LED lamp burning.
In order to keep the lamp running, it will only need a splash of water every now and then.

This innovative invention and technique offers a wealth of possibilities for producing 'eco-friendly' electricity in the future.
Article: CrunchGear, DVICE
Product Page: Marieke Staps
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