iPhone App makes amazing light writing effects
Posted by Simpur | Posted in iPhone App, News, Others | Posted on Saturday, March 21, 2009
Apple iPhone and iPod Touch owners would all agree that the applications available for these devices are what makes them most fun and entertaining. Developers are getting more and more innovative by coming up with apps that just make you go "wow".

'Light Writer' from Laan Labs brings the POV (Persistence of Vision) Effect to the iPhone & iPod Touch. You may have seen the POV Effect on toys or TV commercials where lights are flashed with proper timing to make it look like you're spelling words out of thin air.

Simply type in a message, choose a text colour and start waving your device from side to side. You can even choose to display your writing in a rainbow of colours, or display images.

Yes, this might not be one of the more productive apps available, but you have to agree that at just US$1, it's worth the entertainment that you'll get from it.

Article: Gizmodo
More images: Laan Labs on Flickr
Product Page: Light Writer (on iTunes)
Find out more about iPhone & iPod Touch Apps: Play@Simpur

'Light Writer' from Laan Labs brings the POV (Persistence of Vision) Effect to the iPhone & iPod Touch. You may have seen the POV Effect on toys or TV commercials where lights are flashed with proper timing to make it look like you're spelling words out of thin air.

Simply type in a message, choose a text colour and start waving your device from side to side. You can even choose to display your writing in a rainbow of colours, or display images.

Yes, this might not be one of the more productive apps available, but you have to agree that at just US$1, it's worth the entertainment that you'll get from it.

Article: Gizmodo
More images: Laan Labs on Flickr
Product Page: Light Writer (on iTunes)
Find out more about iPhone & iPod Touch Apps: Play@Simpur
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