Engadget readers vote Apple's iPhone 3G as the gadget of the year
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Bluetooth Headsets, Cameras, Computers, Concepts, Desktop Computers, Digital Cameras, laptop, Mobile Phones, MP3 Players, Netbooks, News, Notebooks, Others, smartphone | Posted on Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The results of the 2008 Engadget Awards are out and readers have voted Apple's iPhone as the Gadget of the Year.

They' ve also chosen their best and worst gadgets, from cellphones, computers, and cameras to game consoles, HDTVs and more in the annual readers' choice awards.

Gadget of the Year

Apple iPhone
Worst Gadget of the Year

Microsoft Zune
Most Anticipated Gadget of the Year

Microsoft Windows 7
Cellphone of the Year

Smartphone of the Year

Apple iPhone
Desktop of the Year

Apple iMac
Laptop of the Year

Apple MacBook Pro
Netbook of the Year

Dell Inspiron Mini 9
Digital Camera of the Year

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Game Console of the Year

Nintendo Wii
Handheld of the Year

Apple iPod Touch
HDTV of the Year

Sony Bravia MotionFlow
Portable Media Device of the Year

Apple iPod Touch
Wearable Device of the Year

Aliph Jawbone 2
Full results: 2009 Engadget Awards

They' ve also chosen their best and worst gadgets, from cellphones, computers, and cameras to game consoles, HDTVs and more in the annual readers' choice awards.

Full results: 2009 Engadget Awards