The clock that'll leave you cross-eyed
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Clocks, Concepts, Mike Mak Design, News, Others | Posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This concept clock designed by Mike Mak Design tells the time with a pair of rotating discs that are made to look like eyeballs.

The Eyeclock tells the time in a 'fun' way - the position of the left eyeball signifies hours, while the right signifies minutes.

There's no word on whether the Eyeclock will go into production, but one thing's for sure if it does - telling the time will probably leave you cross-eyed.
Articles: Gizmodo, technabob, 25togo
Product Page: Mike Mak Design

The Eyeclock tells the time in a 'fun' way - the position of the left eyeball signifies hours, while the right signifies minutes.

There's no word on whether the Eyeclock will go into production, but one thing's for sure if it does - telling the time will probably leave you cross-eyed.
Articles: Gizmodo, technabob, 25togo
Product Page: Mike Mak Design
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