The perfect jacket for backpackers and frequent travelers
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Concepts, Jackets, News, Others | Posted on Friday, February 27, 2009
This concept jacket designed by German Rahel Ritchie, features an inflatable hood that can be blown up to function as a pillow.

The hood is removable from the jacket lining and can be used elsewhere, for example, as a float.

This functional and fashionable jacket, for some reason called "Never Stop a Rolling Stone", is also water-proof on the outside, and features a fabric on the inside that absorbs perspiration too, keeping you dry at all times.

There's no word on whether this interesting concept will be available in stores, but let's hope we frequent travelers will get a chance to buy this soon.
Articles: Gizmodo, Likecool
Product Page: Rahel Ritchie

The hood is removable from the jacket lining and can be used elsewhere, for example, as a float.

This functional and fashionable jacket, for some reason called "Never Stop a Rolling Stone", is also water-proof on the outside, and features a fabric on the inside that absorbs perspiration too, keeping you dry at all times.

There's no word on whether this interesting concept will be available in stores, but let's hope we frequent travelers will get a chance to buy this soon.
Articles: Gizmodo, Likecool
Product Page: Rahel Ritchie
nice 1..good for those heavy sleepers..
Yeah.. perfect for falling asleep on the plane!