Rainfall or waterfall showers, which do you prefer?
Posted by Simpur | Posted in Bossini, Others, Showerheads | Posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Bossini s.p.a.'s stylish Aquavolo showerhead will give you the choice between a waterfall shower and a rain shower with just the flip of a lever.

The Aquavolo's stainless steel shower fixture lets you flip it back and forth whenever you need a change by incorporating an innovative showerhead design technique.
We're not sure whether we would prefer feeling like we're taking a shower in a waterfall or in the rain, but one thing's for sure, the Aquavolo does rather look quite classy.

Articles: Gizmodo, Trendir
Product Site: Bossini s.p.a.

The Aquavolo's stainless steel shower fixture lets you flip it back and forth whenever you need a change by incorporating an innovative showerhead design technique.
We're not sure whether we would prefer feeling like we're taking a shower in a waterfall or in the rain, but one thing's for sure, the Aquavolo does rather look quite classy.

Articles: Gizmodo, Trendir
Product Site: Bossini s.p.a.
Cool...! whre can i get this?
Bossini s.p.a. is actually a company based in Italy, check out their website for more details on their products: http://www.bossini.it/
I need the specification sheet of that product or at least the dimensions. Do you know where I can find it.
I looked at the website but could not find it.
Thank you
Download the pdf from this link: http://www.onecoms.co.uk/idt.pdf
The document contains information on the Aquavolo, including a phone no. and email for you to get in touch with people who know more about the product.