The soap for computer-addicts
Posted by Simpur | Posted in News, Others, Soap | Posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Have you ever had the feeling that you're wasting your time taking a shower when you should be at your computer clicking away on the mouse that you love? Have you ever felt that you can't bear to leave your computer peripherals behind, even for a few minutes in the bathroom?
If you've answered yes to both of these questions, then this is the soap for you.. (but we recommend that you get some help you computer addict!)

Taiwanese retailer Zakka's mouse-shaped soap is perfect for those who just can't bear not to have the feeling of a mouse in their hands.
These soap made for the geeks out there come in black and white, and are available online for NT$ 199.
Article: Gizmodo
Product Page: Zakka
If you've answered yes to both of these questions, then this is the soap for you.. (but we recommend that you get some help you computer addict!)

Taiwanese retailer Zakka's mouse-shaped soap is perfect for those who just can't bear not to have the feeling of a mouse in their hands.
These soap made for the geeks out there come in black and white, and are available online for NT$ 199.
Article: Gizmodo
Product Page: Zakka
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